Friday, 10 April 2009
Report and Accounts - a labour of love

We have just recently designed and produced the Annual Report and Accounts for Teachers Building Society and it has been a real pleasurable and satisfying job to work on. It has been a while since I have designed my last Report and Accounts and I forgot just how typographically demanding they are.
Any designer who has produced a R&A will understand ‘tabs’ are crucial and accuracy of lining up text, numbers and brackets. Hours were spent agonising over column widths, lining up text and making sure ‘feed’ and ‘number kerning’ was consistent throughout. Our designer Wesley again excelled in producing highly accurate and consistent page layouts. Timescales were demanding as the final figures to be set were only released a few days prior to our print deadline, a challenge, but one we just thrived on!
I have just re-discovered my love again for R&A’s and the client was a pleasure to work with, which made the job even more satisfying to work on. We hope to get the opportunity to produce more R&A’s for other clients over the next financial year. If I was not a designer maybe I should have been an accountant…not!
Labels: design strategy, Management, Report and Accounts